Wintertime in the Southern Hemisphere – Recent Events

August 27, 2024

While people in the Northern Hemisphere enjoy summer in August, those in the Southern Hemisphere are now enjoying their winter events. Check out the recent wintertime events in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Uruguay.

Bringing the Festival to the Heart (Part 3)

August 25, 2024

In the past few days we have shared photos from centers around the world as they conclude their post-Summer Festival retreats. Here we share more from that time. Enjoy!

What’s On in the US

August 23, 2024

Following the International Summer Festival, Kadampa Centers worldwide are resuming their classes and courses. Check out what’s new in the US at KMC Brooklyn, KMC New York, KMC Maryland, KMC South Carolina, and KMC Washington DC.

Bringing the Festival to the Heart in Spain

August 23, 2024

Centers in Spain have recently concluded their post-Summer Festival retreats. Join us as we view the highlights from these gatherings.

Abiding in the Pure Land of Compassion 〜 Dharma Festival Coming up

August 22, 2024

A special weekend is coming up for Switzerland, Italy, and Austria. Anyone interested in learning about Buddha  Avalokiteshvara, increasing their compassion, or simply enjoying a peaceful and spiritual holiday in a magical location is invited to attend the Dharma Festival at Kailash IRC.

Bringing the Festival to the Heart (Part 1)

August 21, 2024

Recently, several Centers around the world concluded their post-Summer Festival retreats 2024. Join us as we view the highlights from these gatherings.

Cherishing shrines in Canada, Spain, France and the UK

August 20, 2024

A qualified shrine is the heart of every Kadampa Center around the world. Being an essential part of every Kadampa Temple, communities take great care to beautify and continually improve the shrines within their meditation rooms. As a result, meditation rooms become the most beautiful, relaxing and inviting spaces, open to everyone to gather, receive teachings, meditate and pray. Recently KMC Montreal, KMC Madrid, KMC Metz, and KMC Lancaster undertook renovation work on their shrines.

The Gateway to Highest Yoga Tantra

August 18, 2024

The Gateway to the Highest Yoga Tantra is open to all, at the NKT-IKBU INTERNATIONAL FALL FESTIVAL 2024 to be held at the Third Kadampa World Peace Temple.

Summer Festival 2024 ~ Festival Review

August 17, 2024

The conclusion of the 2024 Summer Festival offers us an opportunity to reflect on this truly inspiring event.

Staying Connected

August 16, 2024

Over the past year, many improvements appeared to enhance the online availability of Kadam Dharma. Now reaching more people than ever with daily news, podcasts, a YouTube channel, and blogs, people can stay connected and inspired by the teachings and the Kadampa way of life.


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga

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The blessings of Arya Tara pervading our world


Swiss–Italian–Austrian National Festival 2024