Nagarjuna’s intention at KMC New York

July 13, 2024

The Nagarjuna’s Middle Way silent retreat at KMC New York with Resident Teacher, Gen Samten Kelsang, brought over 150 people from all over the US and Canada.

Flourishing Kadam Dharma in the Heart

July 12, 2024

Before the International Summer Festival, Kadampa Centers are organizing activities to accumulate much merit and to allow Kadam Dharma to flourish in the heart. Here are the events arranged by the Los Angeles, Phoenix and Hong Kong Centers.

Bonus Bulletin – 11 July

July 11, 2024

Read about some other recent activities organized by Kadampa Centers around the world.
Here: KMC Texas, KMC Hong Kong, KMC Chicago, Atisha KMC (UK), Heruka KMC (UK) and Madyhamaka KMC.

Kadampa Events For Families in Spain

July 10, 2024

Kadampa events for families are taking place all over the world, providing a wonderful opportunity for young minds to engage in meaningful and enriching activities. These events aim to cultivate positive minds, inner peace, and a sense of community among children.

Visiting Teachers sharing Buddha’s Wisdom

July 9, 2024

At the end of June, wonderful talks with guest Teachers were organized at several NKT Kadampa Centers. Buddhist monks visited Uma KMC in the UK, KMC Trois-Rivières in Canada, and KMC Metz in France. These talks, focusing on the preciousness of our human life and the concept of impermanence, guided participants to a better understanding of Buddhist wisdom.

Wisdom and spiritual power

July 8, 2024

A special weekend of blessings at KMC Chile with the empowerment of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom and at Nagarjuna KMC with the empowerment of Buddha Vajrapani, who bestows upon us spiritual power.

Teachers gathered together at their spiritual home

July 7, 2024

The Resident Teachers of the New Kadampa Tradition have gathered together at their spiritual home, Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, to participate in an annual International Teacher Training Programme (ITTP).

Buddhist art and ritual courses

July 5, 2024

In June, some Centers had the opportunity to organize special courses based on Buddhist art and ritual.
Read on to hear about events in Georgia in the US, and London and Nottingham in the UK.

Weekend retreats on faith and a good heart

July 4, 2024

In June some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience of the powerful minds of love and faith.
Here Dharmachakra KBC, Vajra Light KBC, and Menlha KMC at KMC New York, KMC Geneva at Kailash IRC and Lamrim KBC in Monts du Lyonnais.

Wisdom & Compassion in Mexico

July 3, 2024

Recently in Mexico, Kadampa Centers received the blessings of compassion and wisdom empowering them to follow the path of compassion and wisdom that is Modern Buddhism. Read on to hear about events in Mexico City, Monterey and Pachuca.

Group Photo 2024

Intensive Teacher Training Program 2024 drawing to an end


New Statues Appear

ITTP work day

Resident Teachers preparing for the Festival


Preparations are underway, the Festival is very close