Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2
Jan 7, 2025
“Everything we receive is to be shared. We share our understanding and experience of precious Kadam Dharma.”
Today was the first full day of the Festival. We woke to a rainy day, what might typically be described as a 'miserable day'. But for everyone at the Festival it was an incredibly happy day.
Despite the pouring rain, the joyful atmosphere in the queue for the Temple was a perfect illustration of the power of Kadam Dharma to transform adverse conditions into the spiritual path.
Inside the Temple and inside the hearts of everyone present, the sun was shining - the sun of Je Tsongkhapa's blessings.
What a privilege to receive the empowerment of Je Tsongkapa from Gen-la Dekyong, the Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, in the Kadampa Temple so blessed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.
Earlier in the day we had been guided in two blissful meditations by Gen Chokga, the National Spiritual Director of Spain and Portugal, to prepare our minds for the empowerment. Now the time for the empowerment has come.
It was as if we were receiving a personal introduction to Je Tsongkapa himself! Gen-la explained the special qualities of this holy being and showed how by relying upon him with sincere faith we can quickly and easily gain all the realisations of the stages of the path of Sutra and Tantra, and especially of the Oral Instructions of the Mahamudra.
Je Tsongkapa is the source of these precious instructions, and for the rest of the Festival, guided by the wisdom of Guru Tsongkapa, we will immerse ourselves in teachings and meditations on this uncommon path. How fortunate we are!