The rain of blessings continues around the world
Feb 5, 2025
What a special moment it was, when Gen-la Khyenrab arrived at Tara IKRC last week as the special Guest Teacher to lead the post Spring Festival Retreat!
The sun was shining in the south of England last weekend as Buddha Manjushri shone his wisdom light into the hearts of all those who attended the Southern Dharma Celebration, and all other living beings everywhere!
Yesterday we posted the latest news on the construction of the sixth Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Málaga, Spain. How would you like to be part of this amazing project?
Among the many centers celebrating NKT Day over the weekend, here we feature two in the UK Nagarjuna Centre at Thornby Hall and Madhyamaka Centre in Yorkshire.
This weekend, many Kadampa centers around the world took advantage of the Easter holidays to offer special events. And with Saturday being NKT Day it was also an occasion for special pujas and celebrations. In this first post on the events of the weekend we feature the mother center, Manjushri KMC in the UK and IKRC Grand Canyon in the US.
This weekend, to a full house at Tara IKRC and online, the Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Losang granted the blessing empowerment of Avalokiteshvara and gave teachings on the practice.
People from all over Scotland tuned in last weekend to Buddha Prajnaparamita Empowerment with Gen Kelsang Drolkyi, Resident Teacher of KMC Glasgow.
Enjoy these photos and video of the artists, crafts people and volunteers are hard at work at the Kadampa Art Studio in the UK preparing many statues and adornments for the Temples for world Peace and for urban Temples around the world.
This weekend, Manjushri KMC hosted a wonderful retreat entitled “The Magic of Meditation” with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, Retired Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT and Resident Teacher at KMC Edinburgh.
KMC Edinburgh’s Manjushri empowerment this weekend may have taken place virtually, but for those attending, we gathered together in the space of emptiness and what a joyful place it was!