Kadampa Art Studio Training Course
Jan 11, 2025
We have all settled in to festival life now and the atmosphere is relaxed with a steady rhythm of spiritual practice, volunteer work and spending time with Sangha friends or quietly contemplating the teachings.
It’s the final day of the International Kadampa Summer Festival 2023. Over a thousand practitioners remain to see the very blessed Kadampa play, The Life of Buddha Shakyamuni.
Its the last day of the retreat and session by session we go deeper with the blessed Heruka practice of New Essence of Vajryana
Today we began our first day of retreat on the practice of Heruka Self Generation using the New Essence of Vajrayana Sadhana, skilfully guided by Gen Tonglam.
We have all settled in to festival life now and the atmosphere is relaxed with a steady rhythm of spiritual practice, volunteer work and spending time with Sangha friends or quietly contemplating the teachings.
Through Venerable Geshe-la’s special insight and great compassion for people throughout the world, he has created a unique and extraordinary Kadampa family.
Today’s teachings were an oral transmission of the eleven yogas of Vajrayogini, which include both generation and completion stage practices.
Today we came under the direct care of Vajrayogini and received her powerful blessings during the wonderful Vajrayogini empowerment.
The heart of our tradition and at the very heart of the two weeks of this Summer Festival are the sublime empowerments of Heruka and Vajrayogini.
Gen-la Dekyong, the General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, began Week Two of the Festival by rejoicing that through the wisdom blessings of our Spiritual Father – Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche – over 3,000 people have made the decision to come in person, literally from all over the world. The festival site is noticeably busier. Tents have overflowed for the first time ever into the adjacent field, and there is a joy in the air at so many Kadampas gathered together.