Five ways to deal with anxiety

Public Talk with Gen-la Dekyong at the Mother Center

Last Sunday, the Temple at Manjushri KMC was packed with people from all over the region.

Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU and Resident Teacher, gave a Public Talk explaining Kadam Dharma in a very powerful and accessible way.

Over 300 people came from outside, many of them staying the whole day, enjoying an exotic lunch, walks in the woods and fun on the beach.

"Thank you Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong for your talk, meditation chat and advice afterwards. I felt so calm yesterday like I knew exactly why I had to travel quite a few miles to hear your words and be in the calm surroundings of Manjushri KMC".


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NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2025 Public talk KMC Spain_02-02-2025_16

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