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15 September 2022

Healing body & mind

UK Dharma Celebration 2022

September 23 - 26 at thornby hall

The United Kingdom Dharma Celebration is an annual event where people from the whole UK have a chance to come together and celebrate the teachings of Modern Buddhism in a peaceful yet vibrant environment. This event is characterised by joy, positive energy and the kindness of others as it is all run by volunteers. This year it will be held at Nagarjuna KMC.

Kadam Bridget Heyes, UK National Spiritual Director, will grant the empowerment and commentary to Medicine Buddha, the Buddha of healing. At this special event you will receive inspiring blessings and learn how to benefit yourself and others.

Watch the video below by Gen Rabten, Resident Teacher at KMC Leeds, telling us why he is going.

Kadam Bridget Heyes
NKT-KMC NYC at Glen speycountry retreat 2

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