Urban retreats at local centers around the world – Oases of peace
Jan 28, 2025
In all Kadampa centers around the world people who express a wish to advance their Dharma practice have the opportunity to join the Foundation Program or Teacher Training Program.
Recent guest Teacher visits took place at KMC Spain, KMC Quebec, and Vajrapani KBC in Xalapa, Mexico. Participants had the opportunity to engage in retreats on the three principal aspects of the path, explore methods for managing anxiety, and learn practical approaches to overcoming anger.
The Collected Works of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche is at the heart of all activities and practices in NKT centers around the world. Currently, the full collection has been translated into only four languages: English, Spanish, French, and German. Tharpa Sweden is now benefiting their community with a second book launch this year – the sixth book translated into Swedish – The New Meditation Handbook.
The Tharpa Festival Shop is a key part of the International Summer Festival 2024 experience. It provides everything you need to support your spiritual practice during the Festival and beyond. The Shop offers a special opportunity to buy all Festival-related Tharpa products, such as books, art and sadhanas, as well as new and updated products.
After four years’ work Tharpa Sweden was finally able to publish “How to Understand the Mind” in Swedish. This is the fifth book of Venerable Geshe-la’s to be published in Swedish and we celebrated this milestone with a book launch where everyone received their own copy of the book.
The Tharpa Festival Shop is a key part of the International Fall Festival 2023 experience. It provides everything you need to support your spiritual practice during the Festival and beyond. New products include Venerable Geshe-la cards, Eleven Reversals card, Songs of Healing, and much more. Explore the festival shop today.
Teams of translators around the world are working to bring pure Kadam Dharma to their countries by translating the Collected Works of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Here is an update from Norway, Thailand, Tharpa Asia, Sweden and Finland.
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche recognized that everyone can benefit from the teachings of Buddha, no matter their age. He wrote four books for children that give a clear explanation of the essence of Buddhism and its relevance to modern living.
Tharpa AU had a stall at the Sydney Mind, Body, Spirit Festival this weekend. The festival had over 20,000 attendees, all interested in health, wellness and spirituality.
The stall was packed with interested people all weekend, eager for information about Buddhism and meditation, in the end Tharpa sold over 70 books and 100 meditation CDs and KMC Sydney handed out hundreds of flyers for their local centre and branch classes.
The Tharpa Festival Shop is a key part of the International Spring Festival 2023 experience. It provides everything you need to support your spiritual practice during the Festival and beyond. New products include a special recording by Venerable Geshe-la, practice cards, a guide to water offerings, Buddhist symbols, and much more. Explore the festival shop today.