Kadampa Art Studio Training Course
Jan 11, 2025
After four years of work Tharpa Sweden was finally able to publish How to Understand the Mind by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso in Swedish. This is the fifth book of Venerable Geshe-la's to be published in Swedish and we celebrated this milestone with a book launch where everyone received their own copy of the book.
We would like to thank Venerable Geshe-la for this extraordinary book. Also our thanks go to Gen-la Dekyong who kindly assisted with a reverse translation of the entire book ensuring that the translation was as qualified as possible!
Having this precious text in Swedish will help Kadam Dharma to touch the hearts of the people living in Sweden.
We are strongly motivated to translate and publish the remaining 18 books (and all the sadhanas)!
Thank you Geshe-la!
This book, "How to Understand the Mind", is translated into many languages. Go to tharpa.com and choose the website of your country.