Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2
Jan 7, 2025
First Day of Retreat on Vajrayogini Quick Path to Great Bliss
After the power of the empowerments and the impact of the commentary, it’s time to shift gears. It’s time to create the space to absorb into the rich beauty of Vajrayogini’s sadhana and gain actual experience, actually taste the liberating quality of the practice. Gen Ananda, in his quiet, relaxing way, sets up structure of the retreat. Rather than trying to gain experience of every facet of this expansive practice, we will focus on three essential practices over these three days. On this first day the emphasis will be on the three bringings, especially the first bringing, bringing death into the path to the truth body. Tomorrow we will focus on the body mandala, and on the third day, the actual self-generation.
People apply themselves with great dedication. Every session is packed and during the periods of deep meditation an atmosphere of focus pervades the temple. It is an exceptional opportunity to gain familiarity in the extensive practice of Vajrayogini, and to be doing it among such a huge ‘assembly of good fortune’ as Gen-la Dekyong called us is wonderful indeed.