Becoming your own protector

December 19, 2019

Another look back at Spring Festival 2019, to a wonderful teaching by Gen-la Khyenrab – and look forward to Spring Festival 2020, when Gen-la will grant the empowerment of Vajarapani and teachings on the power of compassion.

In the Footsteps of Buddha

December 18, 2019

Almost 200 people gathered in Singapore for the 2019 Asian Kadampa Festival with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director and National Spiritual Director for Canada.

The roots of the tree of suffering

December 17, 2019

Taking a look back at Spring Festival 2019, to a powerful teaching by Gen-la Khyenrab – and a look forward to Spring Festival 2020, when Gen-la will grant the empowerment of Vajarapani and teachings on the power of compassion.

Celebration in Seattle

December 16, 2019

KMC Washington in Seattle hosted this year’s Northwest Dharma Celebration with Gen Kelsang Rigpa, National Spiritual Director for the Western United States. The whole event was filled with blessings!

Healing in Washington DC

December 15, 2019

KMC Washington DC hosted the Mid-Atlantic Dharma Celebration this year with Kadam Morten, National Spiritual Director for the eastern United States. It was attended by people from all over the mid-Atlantic region.

Featured center – KMC Hollywood

December 14, 2019

“Such a big city – 11 million people live here. They need Dharma eyes, wisdom eyes, to see truth, reality. They need to know, understand, how to make themselves happy, they need to know how to solve their daily problems and they need to know how to maintain good relationships with others and with their family, continually.” With these precious words in 2002 Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche sowed the seeds for KMC Hollywood to arise. See the amazing story of this center on the this month’s featured center page.

Another magic night in Bogotá

December 13, 2019

KMC Colombia just celebrated their third anniversary. ‘On this beautiful evening, Guen Sangton gave a precious teaching on how to cultivate a mind of compassion for our own benefit and for the benefit of all living beings. . .”

Increasing faith in Buddha Shakyamuni

December 12, 2019

In the same Temple where Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche gave the transmission of Liberating Prayer in 2006, Gen Kelsang Chokga granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and gave a beautiful commentary to Liberating Prayer.

Distributing wisdom in Mexico

December 11, 2019

Last week volunteers from KMC Mexico and KMC Guadalajara helped out with Tharpa Mexico’s stall at the International Book Fair Guadalajara, the largest book fair in Iberoamerica.

Gen-la Jampa in Switzerland!

December 10, 2019

Kailash IRC hosted the 2019 Swiss, Italian and Austrian Festival where Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU gave sublime teachings on Advice from Atisha’s Heart.


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life