Generating a happy mind and enjoying it

The January retreats at Manjushri KMC got underway last night when Gen Kelsang Rabten, National Spiritual Director for Australasia and South East Asia, introduced the first two weeks of the retreat to a packed Temple.

Bringing in the New Year at the Mother Center

Last night the Temple at Manjushri KMC, the mother center of NKT-IKBU, was filled with fortunate ones celebrating the New Year in a deeply meaningful way with Gen-la Dekyong.

Meaningful Christmas at the Mother Center

Manjushri KMC, the mother center of Modern Kadampa Buddhism, is alive with visitors and residents enjoying the Christmas course with Gen Togden entitled ‘A Good Heart Always Gives Good Results’. Watch the video and enjoy the photos – and see why people enjoy this event so much

Where will you be in January?

January 2020 at Manjushri KMC will be a special time for retreat with four weeks of contemplation and meditation on Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s book Mirror of Dharma with Additions led by Gen-la Jampa and Gen Rabten.

The Kadampa family’s purpose

Gen-la has concluded her extraordinary teachings at Manjushri KMC this weekend, and the students have settled into 2 days of retreat with Gen Nyingpo. We finish with another inspiring excerpt from Gen-la’s teachings in which she encourages us to understand and live according to the Kadampa family’s purpose – an exquisite teaching revealing a special union of wisdom and compassion.

Change that comes from the wisdom of Lamrim

Listening to Gen-la Dekyong’s teachings this weekend at Manjushri KMC it is easy to see how she is perfectly qualified to be the General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU. Her reliance upon her Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Keslang Gyatso Rinpoche, is exemplary, and because of this listening to her teach we feel as if we are listening to Venerable Geshe-la himself teaching through her.

Lamrim is my Life!

Last night in a packed Temple for World Peace at Manjushri KMC, Gen-la Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, shared some priceless advice she received directly from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

How to Handle Anything in Edinburgh

This time of year Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, literally sparkles as the world famous Christmas markets open and visitors flock to the city to browse the stalls, dine in the restaurants and enjoy the fairground attractions. But last night, in the midst of the festivities, a quiet and peaceful space appeared . . .

Heart to heart

This weekend, Gen-la Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, will give the transmission of a precious Kadampa text – one of the three condensed Lamrim texts that are the very heart of Modern Kadampa Buddhism.

I wouldn’t miss it for the world

For those fortunate enough to attend the course by Gen-la Dekyong at Manjushri KMC this coming weekend, Friday 29 – Dec 3, a special opportunity awaits them – the transmission blessing of one of the three core condensed Lamrim texts of our tradition.

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The rain of blessings continues around the world


Mountain Retreat at IKRC Grand Canyon 2025


The magic of January retreats

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Celebrating Heruka Day with the sound of damarus and bells