Celebrating spiritual power in Mexico

We share the photographs of how we’re enjoying the amazing 2020 Mexico Dharma Celebration in different parts of the country.

Festival in Brasil

In the last report from the three South American Festivals last weekend, today we cover the Festival in Brasil, where Gen-la Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU granted empowerment and teachings of Je Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden.

Festival in Chile

The second South American Festival report comes from the Chile Festival, where Gen-la Dekyong also gave teachings and empowerment of Je Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden.

Festival in Argentina

This weekend saw three empowerments in South America, with Gen-la Dekong online from Manjushri KMC granting teachings and empowerments on Je Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden. Here is a report on the first – the Argentina Festival.

Special celebrations in Brasil

These are special days at KMC Brasil, during which they celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the magnificent Temple for World Peace. In 2003 some practitioners offered a piece of land as a gift to Venerable Geshe-la with a sincere request for the appearance of a Temple . . .

Three Countries, three Festivals, One Teacher

Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong will record the empowerments and teachings from the Temple for World Peace at Manjushri KMC, which will then be broadcast in Brasil, Argentina and Chile. Each of the three countries is organising its own Festival with meditations led by their National Spiritual Director.

Benefiting centers benefits all living beings

We received these photos and stories from the Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Brasil. People who have recently visited to do retreat or to help with the voluntary work share their experiences of being at this special place. Read their heartfelt feedback and be inspired.

Open doors, open hearts

After 174 days closed due to these unusual times, the World Peace Temple in Brazil is open again.

See the joy in the faces

Though many centers are temporarily closed and thousands of Kadampas are under lockdown, more and more people are meeting Kadam Dharma as it is streamed directly into their homes. They are benefiting directly from a compassionate response that has arisen from the inconceivable kindness in the heart of the Venerable Spiritual Guide.

Loving kindness in Argentina

With much of the country including the center under strict lockdown, the Argentina Dharma Celebration was transmitted online, with 170 fortunate ones signing up to take part.

NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2025 Public talk KMC Spain_02-02-2025_16

Public talks in the North and South of Spain


Inspiring events in Argentina and Brazil

NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2025 Lamrim retreat (3-9 January 2025)_KMC Spain_8

One month of Deep Meditation experience


Beautiful retreats in beautiful places