Major book tour in Germany comes to an end

Tharpa Publications Germany has just completeda 2-week tour during which Gen Ananda, the National Spiritual Director of Germany gave talks in 12 different cities on Venerable Geshe-la’s book How to Transform Your Life.

Tharpa Spain Book tour

In October 2022 Tharpa Spain started a book talk campaign to promote the book The Clear Light of Bliss as it was the last book of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s collection to be translated into Spanish. This year the tour is continuing in Barcelona, Alicante, Bilbao and Elche.

Kadam Dharma in the Nordic Region

Kadam Dharma was introduced into the Nordic Region in the 90’s.
Since then Dharma centers have developed in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.

New Statues for Mexico City

Kadampa Art Studio at Manjushri KMC is aglow with beautiful statues and other artwork being prepared for the new temple in Mexico City due to be opened on April 6, 2023.

New Center for KMC Barcelona opening 2023

An exciting new development for KMC Barcelona, who are preparing to open a new urban temple in 2023.
With the new space opening soon on Calle Berlín 97, in the Les Corts neighbourhood, will be able to accommodate many more people for their events in the city.

Intensive Teacher Training Program 2023

‘Buddha’s teachings are beneficial to others only if there are qualified Teachers.’
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

South Africa National Festival 2023

The South African national festival with Gen-la Kunsang, March 3 – 5.
Fast approaching South African National Festival will be held in Mahasiddha KMC Durban.


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga

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The blessings of Arya Tara pervading our world