Summer Festival Day 11

Today’s teachings were an oral transmission of the eleven yogas of Vajrayogini, which include both generation and completion stage practices.

Summer Festival Day 10

Today we came under the direct care of Vajrayogini and received her powerful blessings during the wonderful Vajrayogini empowerment.

Summer Festival Day 9

The heart of our tradition and at the very heart of the two weeks of this Summer Festival are the sublime empowerments of Heruka and Vajrayogini.

Summer Festival Day 8

Gen-la Dekyong, the General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, began Week Two of the Festival by rejoicing that through the wisdom blessings of our Spiritual Father – Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche – over 3,000 people have made the decision to come in person, literally from all over the world. The festival site is noticeably busier. Tents have overflowed for the first time ever into the adjacent field, and there is a joy in the air at so many Kadampas gathered together.

Summer Festival Day 7

At the end of the first week of Festival is the rest day. Those staying for the full two weeks got a glorious sunny day to go out and enjoy the local area, including the nearby Hoad monument with views of the Lakeland hills.

Summer Festival Day 6

We concluded the Lamrim teachings today with two clear, essential and profound teachings on the third principal aspect of the path, training in the correct view of emptiness.

Summer Festival Day 5

There is a beautiful rhythm to each festival week, first teachings then retreat. This design came from the kindness of Venerable Geshe-la as a method to guide us to a deeper experience of Dharma.

Summer Festival Day 4

We concluded the Lamrim teachings today with two clear, essential and profound teachings on the third principal aspect of the path, training in the correct view of emptiness.

Summer Festival Day 2

Today is the first full day of festival, with opportunities from morning to night to enjoy holy Dharma. Starting with clear and peaceful morning meditations with Gen Demo, then two sessions of sublime Lamrim teachings from Gen-la Khyenrab and ending joyfully with prayers to our Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.

People are arriving – Summer Festival starts tonight!

Tonight through the blessings and kindness of our precious Spiritual guide Venerable Geshe-la the International Summer Festival of 2023 will begin. All the last minute preparations are in progress…

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Kadampa Buddhism Worldwide 2025