Dharma Celebrations 2025 in East and West USA
Mar 15, 2025
From March 7-9th, over 100 people gathered for the Mid-Atlantic Dharma Celebration at Kadampa Meditation Center Washington DC! The weekend theme was The Protection of Wisdom, with East Coast National Spiritual Director Kadam Morten Clausen granting Buddha Manjushri empowerment.
Kadam Michelle Gauthier, Resident Teacher of KMC DC, gave the introductory talk on Friday night asking us why we need wisdom. Saturday morning, Resident Teacher of KMC Philadelphia, John Baker, guided us in meditation on the same topic. This set the stage for us all to receive the blessing empowerment of Wisdom Buddha Manjushri, followed by teachings from Kadam Morten on how wisdom protects us from suffering and problems, particularly the wisdom of understanding the ultimate nature of reality, emptiness.
Everyone enjoyed the inspiration of the celebration teachings, getting to spend meaningful time with fellow Kadampa practitioners, volunteering together, having discussions and supporting each other on our spiritual journey.
We dedicated our merit of attending this celebration to peace in the Mid-Atlantic region and around the entire world.
Close to 200 people gathered to receive the empowerment of the Wisdom Buddha, Je Tsongkhapa at our annual California Dharma Celebration.
Our Western US National Spiritual Director, Gen Demo, gave extraordinary teachings on how to engage in the practice of Heart Jewel, the main practice of a Kadampa. We are so fortunate to come together in this precious city Temple to meditate, listen to Dharma teachings, and pray together.