
24 September 2024

A magical weekend in Germany and Portugal

It was a magical weekend for some fortunate people in Germany and Portugal. The 2024 Southern German Dharma Celebration was held in Freiburg with Gen Ananda coming to grant Tara empowerment and give teachings, while Gen Rigden granted Medicine Buddha empowerment and commentary at KMC Deuachen.


Centers and students from the south of Germany, with additional attendees from Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig and Switzerland, gathered for a beautiful weekend with a very, very blessed empowerment of our Holy Mother and Wisdom Dakini, Arya Green Tara and inspiring teachings on the powa practice of Tara and how we can learn to discriminate mere temporary liberation from particular problems from actual liberation or nirvana.

Thank you Gen Kelsang Ananda, our precious National Spiritual Director, for sharing profound teachings from Venerable Geshe-la on five basic understandings we need to develop so we can begin to build our own path to liberation within our own mind. Thank you Gen Kelsang Lochog, Resident Teacher of KMC Freiburg, for guiding lovely, lighthearted but clear morning meditations, and to everyone who contributed to the smooth running of this course!

And especially: Thank you from the depths of our heart, Venerable Geshe-la, our precious Spiritual Guide and Founder, for being the source of this meaningful event. You were definitely there with us! Even though a weekend quickly passes, everyone seemed to use the time well to relax, focus on Dharma and enjoy the company of our Sangha community.


Thanks to the kindness of our precious root Guru, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, more than 100 people received Medicine Buddha empowerment with our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Rigden, in the beautiful Kadampa Temple at Kadampa Meditation Centre Deuachen in Portugal.

During the commentary, Gen Rigden explained the sadhana of Medicine Buddha and gave us many insights to take to heart. With analogies full of gentle humor, he explained emptiness and how we can create a pure world ourselves. We have to be patient but persistent like the masters of the past and especially work to overcome laziness and distractions.

We ended the event with a retreat to take to heart all that we had received and gain practical experience of Medicine Buddha sadhana. Gen Rigden skillfully advised us to always remember emptiness because there is no healing without wisdom.

We thank everyone for attending and Venerable Geshe-la for giving us this opportunity!

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