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30 August 2024

days dedicated to world peace

Recently, some Centers have started activities to help spread peace in the world through activities that are open and accessible to everyone. These include KMC Montreal, KMC Birmingham and KMC Boston (USA). Everybody is welcome!

open doors at KMc Montreal

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It was a beautiful Sunday in August at KMC Montreal when we held our Open Doors event. About fifty people discovered the Center, met the community and enjoyed peaceful guided meditations.

A wonderful team of Sangha volunteers were there to welcome the visitors and answer their questions.

We ended the day with the Offering to Spiritual Guide puja, offering our faith and gratitude to our Founder, Venerable Geshe-la, the source of our opportunity to have a Center in our city and to share Kadam Dharma with others.

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walk for World Peace at KMC Birmingham

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A group of us enjoyed a lovely walk for world peace along the canals of Birmingham today.

We had a wonderful time, lots of fun and also raised funds to help spread peace around the world through the activities of Kadampa Meditation Centre Birmingham.

A big thank you to everyone who came along and also to those who sponsored us.

May there be peace in the world.

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free outdoor meditation at KMC Boston

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At KMC Boston, many people enjoyed free outdoor meditations with Gen Khedrub this week - on Friday night at the Boston Public Garden and on Saturday morning at the Portland Head Light. What beautiful locations!

Thank you to everyone who came to these peaceful and auspicious meditations..

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Beneficial Public Talks around the world


Marking New Beginnings: A Double Celebration in the UK

NKT-KMC NYC at Glen speycountry retreat 2

Vibrant weekend courses in the US

NKT-IKBU - New Kadampa Tradition - Mexico - KMC Guadalajara --7041

Increasing your wisdom – course at KMC Guadalajara