One month of Deep Meditation experience
Feb 8, 2025
September in France began with inspiring events. KMC France, KMC Metz, KMC Toulouse, and KMC Montpellier hosted a range of events, from torma-making course and open doors to an Empowerment of Buddha Avalokiteshvara.
Sangha from KMC France recently joined a Community Fair where they promoted the activities of the center to the local community. The team was spreading awareness of the benefits of meditation and inviting those interested to visit the center in their free time.
KMC Toulouse hosted an open day with guided meditations, refreshments and opportunity to ask questions about the centre. Many people came to enjoy the teaser sessions and came to know the community of their local Dharma Centre.
The Art of Making Tormas, a Half-Day Workshop took place at KMC Metz with Jean-Pierre Alonso, Meditation Teacher from KMC France.
"Jean-Pierre Alonso is renowned for his expertise in the knowledge and creation of tormas - special food offerings typically made from almond paste that are offered to Buddhas in various ritual practices and prayers. He led a morning of teachings followed by a practical workshop, imparting this beautiful art. The workshop was informal, practical, and a lot of fun."
A whole-day event was organized in the Montpellier hinterland, where people enjoyed a nature hike with meditation. The meditation session was held in a particularly peaceful area of the Montpellier countryside, helping attendees connect with the inner peace of meditation.
The following weekend, around thirty people attended the Avalokiteshvara Empowerment at KMC Montpellier. The commentary on the Four Concentrations from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche's book 'Tantric Grounds and Paths', given by Kadam Olivier, concluded with an Offering to the Spiritual Guide.
"It was also an opportunity to bid farewell to a Sangha member who, after three years of valuable assistance at CMK Montpellier, is returning to KMC France to continue actively supporting the flourishing of Kadam Dharma in France."