03 August 2021


Day 6 ~ retreat

special sequence

Empowerment, teachings & meditations, and then retreat. Following this special sequence introduced by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, yesterday we entered into a brief retreat to absorb the meaning of the teachings we have received.

Using Venerable Geshe-la's sublime practical guidelines for meditation revealed by Gen-la in her teachings, this retreat provides a precious opportunity to literally take to heart the meaning of Kadam Lamrim.

How meaningful!

retreat at the mother center

The retreat is led by Gen Losang Kelsang, Resident Teacher at Tara IKRC. While a fortunate few gathered at the Temple for World Peace at Manjushri KMC to join Gen Losang directly, around the world thousands of people are taking part at their center and in their homes as the sessions are broadcast in their time zone.

festival podcast

Now you need to relax

Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Now you need to relax

Finding true peace in emptiness

be sure to find the diaries and catch-up files for week 2

After the retreat finishes today, we will have completed Week 1 of the Festival. Tomorrow is a free day with no sessions scheduled.

Then Friday morning at 9am UK time we begin Week 2 of the Festival during which we will receive empowerments and commentary to the Highest Yoga Tantra practices of Heruka and Vajrayogini with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, Deputy Direcor of NKT-IKBU.

Please note the URL for the Festival page, where you will find the Diaries, Catch-up etc will change on Friday. Please consult your Links E-mail for the new address.

video wall

Teaching excerpt

waiting for somebody else to do something

spiritual paths lead inwards

Madhyamaka KMC

inter connected

international kadampa family online

If you would like to contribute a video story, photo story, snapshot or insight, please email to [email protected]

video stories

Oliver, USA

Olivia, USA

photo stories

Gen Tubchen, Scotland

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-03 at 12.08.57

Quite apart from Gen la Dekyong's extraordinary teachings it has been sublime to be here at Manjushri KMC in person, to receive powerful blessings, the deeply nourishing company of sangha and to bathe in Dharma.

And throughout the week, Gen-la Kunsang has been such a beautiful and inspiring presence guiding powerful morning meditations.

Thank you

Sandra and Drew, Canada


Here in Toronto, we have been soooo inspired by these teachings. We have renewed our determination not to waste a moment of this precious life on meaningless activities and the strength of our determination seems so much more powerful than ever before.

Thank you Guru Tsongkhapa, thank you Gen la Dekyong, from the bottom of our heart ❤️




Venerable Geshe-la says:

“The NKT International Festivals are the special method to maintain the International Kadampa Buddhist Union from generation to generation. We should know this Union is very important. With this Union we can fulfill our own and others wishes easily.”

This immensely profound message can be understood on many levels, but one that has struck me in particular during this Festival is the phrase ‘international union’.

That’s us!

Even though we cannot gather internationally in-person at this time, still we gather. It’s as if nothing can stop Kadampas gathering!. One thing the Covid restrictions has taught us is that the real gathering is in the heart - coming together as a group united by faith, vision, aspiration, and above all devotion to the holy Spiritual Guide. Digital media enables us to gather in this way, but it is the Spiritual Guide who empowers it.

To see all these photos, videos and comments from people all round the world, from so many cultures, speaking so many different languages, and to be part of an international event that is happening simultaneously in twelve hubs and many other locations literally all over the world is to witness the unfolding of Venerable Geshe-la’s vision in which all living beings equally and without discrimination will enjoy the nectar of Kadam Dharma.

And this is only the beginning. By working sincerely and with great devotion as Gen-la said to help this vision become a reality, we will can create a true Bodhisattva society in this world.

As Venerable Geshe-la says, “Please keep my message in your heart’



Gen-la began her last teaching by helping us develop Geshe-la's vision, that thousands and thousands of modern Kadampa disciples will realize the teachings in the Mirror of Dharma. Our Guru's hook of compassion is always there, we need to manifest more and more strongly our ring of faith and make requests to Guru Tsongkhapa for everything we need.

If all the phenomena we normally perceive do not exist, how do they exist? As mere name. So who is giving this teaching? The Teacher who is mere name is giving a teaching that is mere name to listeners who are mere name. Mere name means not other than emptiness.

If our self we normally see does not exist, then it's suffering, problems and so forth don't exist. We need to learn by heart a meditation on the emptiness of the self we love and do it every day, guiding ourself to an experience.

We learnt the analogy of the moon's reflection in a lake and Shantideva's quote encouraging us to realize that all our friends and family of the past, present and future are empty like space.

Then Gen-la shared the powerful example of the blue of the sky and the sky being the same, illustrating the union of appearance and emptiness - that everything that appears to us is in reality just sky like emptiness.

We were reminded, what is real good fortune. Virtuous potentials that are the seeds of Dharma realizations. Not external wealth. Even though we intellectually understand Dharma is very important, it's still difficult to practise and use it to solve our problems. Why? Because we are lacking good fortune or merit. This is a scientific method to prove why we need Guru Yoga. Then Dharma practice is easy.

Through integrating the practice of the seven limbs in our daily life and in Heart Jewel practice, we will receive the blessings of all the Buddhas through Guru Tsongkhapa and thus grow our potential for Dharma realizations and enlightenment quickly.



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