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12 February 2020

Gen-la Jampa back in the USA

No sooner had Gen-la Jampa returned to the USA from leading the retreat at Manjushri KMC, than he began a tour of centers in the eastern US before returning to IKRC Grand Canyon, where he is the Resident Teacher. Here we feature his visits to KMC Georgia and KMC Chicago.

In Atlanta, Gen-la gave a public talk on Inner Strength to a full house followed by a workshop on Transforming Life’s Difficulties using Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche's book How To Solve Our Human Problems.

In Chicago, Gen-la gave a public talk on Love, Desire & Relationships at Chicago Theatre Works, which despite the atrocious weather was very well attended.

The following day, Gen-la joined the community for Offering to the Spiritual Guide puja at which prayers and dedications were made for the flourishing of Kadam Dharma in Chicago and beyond, and for the long life of our precious Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, through whose kindness we are able to enjoy pure Kadam Dharma in this world.


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