Series 1

Just believe!

December 10, 2021
Gen-la Kunsang
Gen-la Kunsang
Just believe!

If a belief is beneficial and comes from wisdom we can simply believe because it is valid,

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Due to ignorance we always think ‘I’ ‘I’

December 9, 2021
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Due to ignorance we always think 'I' 'I'

Ignorance always grasps at ‘I’ within our aggregates of body and mind.

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Problems do not produce suffering

December 8, 2021
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Problems do not produce suffering

‘If we solve our inner problem of unpleasant feeling, outer problems have no power to make us suffer’ Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

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The actual source of happiness is our love for others

December 7, 2021
Gen-la Kunsang
Gen-la Kunsang
The actual source of happiness is our love for others

If we engage in the practice of giving our future happiness our happiness will never diminish but only increase

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The Union of Sutra and Tantra

December 6, 2021
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
The Union of Sutra and Tantra

As Je Tsongkhapa clearly explained, we can attain enlightenment only through the union of sutra and tantra.

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Fill the treasury of your mind with the jewels of Dharma

December 4, 2021
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Fill the treasury of your mind with the jewels of Dharma

When we memorise Dharma books, ritual prayers and sadhanas that we intend to use ourself, we are storing a huge treasury of precious dharma in the storehouse of our mind. Later Dharma will come naturally from our mind

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What is Wishing Love?

December 3, 2021
Gen-la Kunsang
Gen-la Kunsang
What is Wishing Love?

Developing the three types of love and in particular understanding that in samsara no-one experience true happiness. In this way we develop the wish to practice giving happiness so that they may be truly happy.

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Does anybody know about inner problems?

December 1, 2021
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Does anybody know about inner problems?

Nothing ‘out there’ can take those pain away, but only minds that are the opposite of those experiences: compassion and wisdom.

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The Four Main benefits of Taking and Giving

November 30, 2021
Gen-la Kunsang
Gen-la Kunsang
The Four Main benefits of Taking and Giving

If we understand the benefits of Taking and Giving we will naturally engage in the practice.

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Wish to abandon samsara

November 28, 2021
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Wish to abandon samsara

If we develop the wish to abandon samsara, we will look for a method to do this. Only Buddha teaches this method. Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are the real wishfulfilling Jewels.

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