Series 1

Following Mere Name

January 9, 2022
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
Following Mere Name

Even though our self, others and the world appear to be ordinary, through tantra we no longer believe this to be the truth.

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The main object to abandon

January 7, 2022
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
The main object to abandon

The main object to be abandoned is our own delusions. We take responsibility for our own state of mind.

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Applying effort to put Dharma into practice

January 6, 2022
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Applying effort to put Dharma into practice

Choose a Dharma practice and then practice it. Enjoy the purity of our own actions coming from moral discipline. Stopping distractions is difficult for modern people. Make a strong determination.

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We can’t control the minds of others

January 4, 2022
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
We can't control the minds of others

How to help others

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The wrathful appearance of Buddha Vajrapani

January 3, 2022
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
The wrathful appearance of Buddha Vajrapani

Ultimately Buddha Vajrapani bestows the realization of great bliss. This quickly destroys our samsara.

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Suffering Can Cease

January 2, 2022
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Suffering Can Cease

Buddha appeared in our world to tell us about suffering, where it is coming from and how to accomplish its cessation. There is no greater kindness.

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Ignorance is the root delusion

January 1, 2022
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
Ignorance is the root delusion

Self-grasping is a wrong mind

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How do we proceed to go for refuge?

December 31, 2021
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
How do we proceed to go for refuge?

We take the Refuge vow. We can do this on our own whenever we wish. Refuge is a promise.

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Why the Field of Merit is so Powerful

December 30, 2021
Gen-la Kunsang
Gen-la Kunsang
Why the Field of Merit is so Powerful

Sowing the seeds of faith

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The Inner Realization of Tantra

December 27, 2021
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
The Inner Realization of Tantra

What are ordinary appearances and ordinary conceptions

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