The Power of Prayer with Gen-la Dekyong
Mar 7, 2025
KMC Spain just held an open house weekend. 600 people from the surrounding towns, including Malaga, Granada and Seville, came to see this beautiful Temple and enjoy guided meditations from the Resident Teacher Gen Chokga, guided tours of the whole site and special activities for children and families.
Read MoreMenorca IRC just concluded its final week of retreat following the Summer Festival 2022. Part I was guided by Gen Kelsang Ananda, National Spiritual Director of Germany, on tummo, or inner fire, and part II was led by Gen Kelsang Chodor, Resident Teacher at KMC London, on the clarity of mind.
Read MoreSeptember will see three Kadampa Dharma Celebrations: The Quebec Dharma Celebration, UK Dharma Celebration & Nordic Dharma Celebration.
Read MoreHard on the heels of the post Summer Festival Retreat with Kadam Morten, KMC Spain organized an end-of-summer retreat with Gen-la Kelsang Thubten teaching meditation on emptiness.
Read MoreTharpaland KMC hosted their summer retreat with Gen Rabten titled “The Clear Light of Happiness”. Throughout the retreat, Gen Rabten taught meditations to cleanse the subtle body and attain enlightenment.
Read MoreFrom 15th to 21st August, at KMC Deuachen, Gen Kelsang Lochani, Resident Teacher at KMC Barcelona, led a Post Festival Retreat based on the teachings and commentaries given in the NKT International Summer Festival.
Read MoreFollowing the International Summer Festival, on 15th August at KMC Madrid, Gen Kelsang Rigden led a retreat based on the teachings and comments given at the festival, in order to gain familiarity with the profound Tantric practices of Mahamudra through meditation and contemplation.
Read MoreLast week we had the great good fortune and delight to welcome Gen-la Kelsang Thubten to guide our Post Summer Festival Retreat at Kailash International Retreat Centre. Including people participating online, over a hundred people took part in the retreat.
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