Australian Festival 2025
Jan 10, 2025
The South African national festival with Gen-la Kunsang, March 3 – 5.
Fast approaching South African National Festival will be held in Mahasiddha KMC Durban.
Every January since 2008, KMC Texas has held a major public talk at the prestigious Dallas Museum of Art (DMA). This year the Resident Teacher Gen Menla gave a talk on the Pure Bliss of Tantra which was attended by over 250 people and was very well received.
One of the major projects for 2023 is the construction of a substantial urban temple complex for Mexico City. As we can see the work is nearing completion and the temple will be opened by Gen-la Dekyong on April 6, just before the Mexican Festival.
This year over 40 fortunate Kadampas from all over the world will gather here for six months for the bi-annual Intensive Teacher Training Program with Gen-la Khyenrab.
Please enjoy these beautiful photos from the fire pujas at the end of 2023 Vajrayogini retreats at KMC France and KBC Avalokiteshvara in Mexico.
With deep joy and gratitude, members of the community of Kadampa Meditation Centre Durban took delivery the of the new Buddha statues for their temple which have been prepared for them by Kadampa Art Studio in UK.
Tharpa Publications Germany has launched a 2-week tour during which Gen Ananda, the National Spiritual Director of Germany will give talks in 12 different cities on Venerable Geshe-la’s book “How to transform your life”.
Last weekend Gen Kelsang Dragpa visited KMC Stockholm where he taught a course on how to practice mindfulness in everyday life followed by a day course on karma.
This past weekend Gen Kelsang Eupame, the National Spiritual Director of France visited Kadampa Meditation Center Paris and shared practical methods in a special lecture on the topic “Release yourself from attachment”.
Fortunate Kadampas gathered in Vancouver this weekend for the Western Canada Dharma Celebration. Gen Kelsang Rigpa, the NKT Western US National Spiritual Director granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Maitreya and gave powerful teachings on the three aspects of love.