Healing and strengthening empowerments
Mar 4, 2025
From January 10 to February 20, people from all over the world gathered at KMC New York for the precious opportunity to engage in one or more weeks of retreat with Gen Samten on The Oral Instructions of Mahamudra— the very essence of Buddha’s teachings. Each week of retreat had a similar design—combining unsurpassed, clear, and precise teachings with quiet absorption and silence in between sessions. Many had the good fortune to engage in the full six weeks.
Each session, we focused on developing and holding precious wisdom, conclusions, and determinations. The quiet time for contemplation and reflection has been invaluable for taking the teachings to heart so we can apply them with confidence in daily life and continue to transform our lives.
Understanding the preciousness of what we have found and what we are receiving, we thank Venerable Geshe-la from the depths of our hearts. Through this fortune, may all living beings find supreme, everlasting happiness.
We invite you to KMC New York in 2026 to discover for yourself the transformative experience of Winter Retreats.