
11 September 2024

Vibrant weekend courses in the US

Over the weekend, there was a variety of vibrant courses held by Kadampa centers throughout the US. The courses taught wisdom and love giving people peace of mind and energy to live a meaningful life.

Courses were held by KMC NYC, KMC Texas and a joint course with the Midwest Centers.

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KMC New York City Country Retreat

Over the U.S. Labor Day weekend the KMC New York City Sangha welcomed 250 people in-person, and nearly 50 more online, to their annual Country Retreat with Kadam Morten Clausen. Many of their Sangha have enjoyed participating in this annual getaway at the Temple for World Peace in Glen Spey, New York for well over ten years! This year’s retreat, called Love and Emptiness, also attracted many new faces, including plenty of attendees who were completely new to Venerable Geshe-la’s teachings.

Over the weekend, Kadam Morten took attendees into the heart of Buddha’s method teachings on love, skillfully combining them with his wisdom teachings on emptiness.

Enjoy these pictures of their weekend away.

KMC Texas Filled With Inspiration and Blessings

Within the series of special events in celebration of our 30th anniversary, we enjoyed a public talk and a retreat with Kadam Lucy James. Our beautiful center was filled with very happy and smiling faces.

Kadam Lucy shared profound wisdom from Venerable Geshe-la's 2013 teachings in Portugal. We explored generating great compassion and the bodhichitta motivation in the practice of the perfection of wisdom. We engaged in the practice of The Great Mother during many of the sessions, and understood the power of this practice in dispelling outer and inner obstacles - including physical and mental ailments. The weekend was filled with inspiration and a strong sense of community. We had a delicious lunch as a community and welcomed many new people.

We all felt so close to our precious Spiritual Guide through these teachings. May pure Kadam Dharma flourish forevermore!

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Midwest Away Retreat - Labor Day

The Midwest Sangha came together on Labor Day weekend for a meditation retreat to learn about Buddha’s wisdom teachings on the nature of reality. We spent three days abiding in love, wisdom and inner peace. A fellow meditator mentioned how it was generally hard for them to connect with people, but they were able to do this easily during the retreat because they felt this was a safe place for them.

NKT-midwest-teachersMidwest Away Retreat 2024 Teachers

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January at Manjushri KMC

NKT - KMC AUSTRIA - 2025 IMG_1017

Powerful retreats in the snows

NKT - KMC PARIS - 2025 DSC08506

Inspiring Empowerments in France and Malaysia