20 June 2024


Part of Venerable Geshe-la’s vision for the Summer Festival has always been that we end with the play  The Life of Buddha. He requested that it always be shown to inspire modern day practitioners to follow in Buddha’s footsteps.

This year for the first time the play The Life of Buddha will be screened on Friday evening and then, on Saturday morning we end with Offering to the Spiritual Guide puja.

Friday August 9 Play Presentation 'Life of Buddha' 19:30
Saturday August 10 Offering to the Spiritual Guide Puja 09:30

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche-laughing-play

As we watch, we have the opportunity to rejoice in and celebrate the life of Buddha Shakyamuni, appreciating his great kindness in turning the wheel of Dharma in this world. Venerable Geshe-la often said how powerful it was to ‘see directly’ his story coming to life through the various characters, and we shouldn’t miss the opportunity to experience that each year.

At the end of the play there is a short teaching from Venerable Geshe-la, which he gave in 2009, sharing precious insights and advice. In this way Summer Festival teachings end in the presence of our Spiritual Guide, as we sit at his feet, once again hearing his words directly.

Then on Saturday morning we will conclude the Festival by coming together to make extensive offerings and requests to our Guru through the blessed practice of Offering to the Spiritual Guide. This is a wonderful opportunity for the world-wide Kadampa family to engage in one of our most important practices together, thanking our Founder for the teachings and blessings of the Summer Festival, and setting our intentions as we prepare to return home.




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