Kadampa Events for Families

Family time whilst cultivating inner peace and positive states of mind? It is possible to create meaningful activities for whole families as Kadampa Centers are open to everybody. Recently KMC Mexico, KMC Brasil, and Manjushri KMC organized fun and meaningful events for kids & families.

More Dharma developments in South America

Dharma is developing in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) as students pay their first visit to their new premises, and Dharma is taught for the first time in Rosario (Argentina) with a public talk followed by a retreat.

Opening at KMC Barcelona with Gen-la Dekyong

Our General Spiritual Director, visited the city to inaugurate the new meditation space of KMC Barcelona, in a beautiful event that brought together more than 370 people.

Blessing Empowerments

Blessing empowerments of Buddha Vajrasattva, Shakyamuni, and Amitayus took place in April. Those who attended in Madrid, Huddersfield, and New Caledonia had a great opportunity to connect with these Deities to strengthen their practice and their good qualities.

Away retreat: Silence, harmony and profound peace

When they have the opportunity Kadampa centers organise group retreats to allow their students the chance to enjoy more in-depth meditation. Here KMC Los Angeles, KMC San Francisco , KMC Hong Kong and the Kadampa Buddhist Center of Huelva (Spain) enjoyed a variety of retreats.

Booking for the Summer Festival 2024 opens today

Profound Teachings from Buddha’s Heart. JUL 26 – AUG 10
Prajnaparamita Empowerment and Teachings on the Heart Sutra, and Commentary to Blissful Path and The Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability.
Held at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre.

Mexican National Festival 2024 ~ with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa

From April 19 to 21, the NKT-IKBU Mexican National Festival 2024 was held, with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, Deputy Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition.

Almost 400 people in person, and more than 100 people online, had the opportunity to participate in this beautiful event and receive the powerful blessings of Buddha Vajrapani. Gen-la Jampa encouraged us to become true Bodhisattvas, people who love all beings and dedicate their lives to the benefit of others.

Dharma flourishing in Granada

April was a great month for KMC Granada. They had a strong presence at a book fair which is held in many cities across Spain and a wonderful course with visiting Teacher, Gen Osel.