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01 May 2024

Spiritual power increases in Mexico

From April 19 to 21, the NKT-IKBU Mexican National Festival 2024 was held, with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, Deputy Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition.

Almost 400 people in person, and more than 100 people online, had the opportunity to participate in this beautiful event and receive the powerful blessings of Buddha Vajrapani. Gen-la Jampa encouraged us to become true Bodhisattvas, people who love all beings and dedicate their lives to the benefit of others.

Practitioners from all over Mexico, the United States, Colombia and other countries, came to the beautiful and blessed Kadampa Meditation Center Mexico, where we very much enjoyed receiving special teachings and meditating together.

Having the opportunity to meditate with hundreds or even thousands of people is an experience like no other. In an atmosphere full of faith and inspiration, people of all ages and walks of life come together in the language of Dharma: to benefit others as much as possible and reduce our delusions as much as possible.

Thank you Venerable Geshe-la and Gen-la Jampa for this meaningful weekend and to the entire Bodhisattva community who made this possible.

How wonderful!


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