Going Beyond the Ordinary with Long Retreats
Mar 6, 2025
The National Spiritual Director of the Nordic Region, Gen Kelsang Dragpa, visited KMC Stockholm last weekend. On Friday evening he gave a talk on overcoming discouragement and on Saturday, taught a day course on why we need faith.
Gen Dragpa shared one of Venerable Geshe-la's essential instructions "Don't worry, just try!" which was perfect advice for overcoming discouragement.
We also learnt that developing faith involves leaving our pride at the door, not our common sense!
The course was very well received by the local Sangha and it was great to explore these important topics with such an experienced Teacher.
This weekend, 44 people took part in a wonderful weekend course called "Transforming Negative Emotions" with our special visiting Teacher Kadam Olivier Terreault, Resident Teacher at KMC Montpellier.
Vajrapani KBC held a course with Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Mila, explaining how we can use mantra to build an inner refuge. Then we received a practical guide to using Buddhist prayer beads (mala) in daily life.