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10 March 2024

empowerments This Month: the Rain of Blessings Continues

This month blessing empowerments were given in Florida, Malaysia and Germany. In our world where so much of the news is of conflict and suffering, it is uplifting to remember that these events are happening all around the world throughout the year taking thousands of people closer to permanent peace and freedom from all suffering.

KMC Tampa Bay


Saturday, March 2 the community of Kadampa Meditation Center Tampa Bay  shared a profound experience - the empowerment of Green Tara & commentary to the 21 Homages with Kadam Michelle. Nearly 50 people gathered, many of whom live locally and attend the center regularly, some experiencing their first empowerment. Others came from further afield: from the other side of Florida, and even from as far as South Carolina. The day was filled with the sharing of ancient wisdom, blessings, and precious Sangha connections. We are deeply grateful to our dedicated almost 40 volunteers who made the day possible and to all who joined us for this transformative event.

Vajrapani KBC, Penang, Malaysia

We had a wonderful Medicine Buddha empowerment today at Vajrapani KBC Penang and received commentary to the practice of Medicine Buddha Sadhana. It was followed by a short half day retreat. We had the additional blessing of heavy rain in the evening right after the empowerment. This cooled the unusually high temperatures that we were experiencing here for the past one month. How blessed we are!

NKT-KBC-VAJRAPANI-MALAYSIAWhatsApp Image 2024-03-02 at 5.40.17 PM

KMC Hamburg

Twenty-one fortunate practitioners gathered at KMC Hamburg to receive Tara empowerment and the transmission of Venerable Geshe-la’s oral instructions of the Homage to the Twenty-one Taras.

KMC Kahlsruhe

On this very spring-like weekend, KMC Karlsruhe was filled with new and experienced Kadampa practitioners who gathered to receive the blessing empowerment of Buddha Maitreya. We also had visitors from KMC Stuttgart and KMC Freiburg. The whole empowerment was characterized by the loving blessings of Maitreya. In the commentary we received the explanation of the three types of love that Venerable Geshe-la gave at the Spring Festival in 2009. Gen Gogden gave many memorable and accessible examples. We held the words of the commentary in our hearts and were able to bring them to life in the short retreat that followed. It was not only a very heartwarming weekend, but also a meaningful one, which we dedicate to the well-being and enlightenment of all living beings. May Dharma flourish throughout the world and may love be the only language!


Beneficial Public Talks around the world


Marking New Beginnings: A Double Celebration in the UK

NKT-KMC NYC at Glen speycountry retreat 2

Vibrant weekend courses in the US

NKT-IKBU - New Kadampa Tradition - Mexico - KMC Guadalajara --7041

Increasing your wisdom – course at KMC Guadalajara