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21 December 2023

Catch-up with Kadampa Podcasts

Have you been following the 'Living Clarity' podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube Music, Amazon Music and more?

Join experienced Kadampa Teachers from around the world in insightful episodes that offer practical wisdom for a fulfilling life. Learn to overcome distractions, cultivate patience, and find peace in a loving heart. Each episode is a step towards a clearer, more peaceful mind.

Here are the latest episodes to keep you up to date.

Latest episode

Painful Feelings

Living Clarity
Living Clarity
Painful Feelings

Painful feelings are simply some bad weather in the mind.

Available in English  |  Spanish

Two new episodes released every week

Painful Feelings

Painful feelings are simply some bad weather in the mind.

Recognising causes of distraction and pain

In this podcast Gen Menla gives some encouragement to train in watching our mind so that we will be able to carry our calm centre with us.

I myself must make myself happy

A great introduction to why Buddhists say that happiness depends on the mind

Bringing More Joy to Our Life

Explore good habits of mind that help us train in being more joyful, more of the time and more reliably

Tune in on your favorite podcast platforms

Kadampa en Español

Consejos breves basados en las enseñanzas del Venerable Gueshe Kelsang Gyatso para cultivar nuestra paz interior, desarrollar nuestra sabiduría y compasión.
Dharma Flouring

Flourishing Kadam Dharma in the Heart

NKT - Madhayamaka KMC - 2024 (17)

Bonus Bulletin – 11 July

NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2024 (19)

Kadampa Events For Families in Spain


Visiting Teachers sharing Buddha’s Wisdom