
您是否一直在关注 Spotify、Apple 广播、YouTube 音乐、亚马逊音乐等平台上提供的“通透人生(Living Clarity)“广播?

加入来自世界各地经验丰富的噶当巴老师一起在富有洞察力的情节中,为充实的生活提供实用智慧。 学会克服散乱,培养安忍心,并在爱心中找到平静。 每一集都是迈向更清晰、更平静的心的步伐。


The nature of your mind is extraordinary

Living Clarity
Living Clarity
The nature of your mind is extraordinary

Understanding the nature of our mind and the different levels of consciousness opens the door to a true and profound understanding of reality.



The nature of your mind is extraordinary

Understanding the nature of our mind and the different levels of consciousness opens the door to a true and profound understanding of reality.

Self Confidence, Acceptance and Peace

By gaining a deeper understanding of the nature of our mind, we free ourselves from identifying with our faults and painful emotions, allowing us to stop being controlled by them.

The key to beating distraction

To make meaningful progress in meditation or to gain greater control over our minds in daily life, we must learn to manage and overcome distractions.

A Life of Profound Purpose

Learn why now is the only time to take the real meaning of human life, which is the attainment of enlightenment


