A Weekend on Profound Emptiness at KMC Singapore

Over the weekend, KMC Singapore had the pleasure of hosting Gen Kelsang Tonglam, who led insightful teachings on The Emptiness of the Eight Extremes. The event was attended by our Sangha community, and it was a delightful experience to have everyone present.

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Gen Kelsang Tonglam's teachings were thought-provoking and enlightening, as he guided us through the intricate path of understanding emptiness. Our Sangha community from Malaysia joined us, adding to the depth of the occasion and creating a sense of belonging and shared growth. We are immensely grateful for this experience and eagerly anticipate hosting Gen Tonglam again in the future.

Furthermore, under the guidance of our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Rabka, we were able to put the teachings into practice through meditation sessions. The weekend was truly unforgettable, and we are grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow together.

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