Spring is for blooming in Tel Aviv

In October we reported on the nascent Israeli Sangha forming in Tel Aviv under the leadership of Daniel Koren. The group has thrived during the lockdown period and recently gathered for their first in-person retreat. Here is their update.

"We came back from the spring meditation retreat in mitzpe Ramon reloaded with an open heart and ready to blossom.

"We continue to meet for meditation sessions in Tel Aviv every Monday and Wednesdays guided by Daniel Koren because everyone needs new seeds to plant in the garden of their mind.
"These sessions are based on the teachings of Buddha through the unequalled presentation of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche."
"Everyone is welcome to join the sessions."

Why come to meet Tel Aviv's Sangha?

'Because everyone needs new seeds to plant in the garden of their mind,'

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