Kadam Dharma touching hearts in Israel

Just over a year ago, Daniel, a student at KMC New York, was requested to teach online to a group of people in Israel. Now he is living in Tel Aviv as the Teacher gathering many dedicated students

"One of the unexpected opportunities taking Dharma classes online has created is that now Dharma can be offered in places it was not available before. And so when we were all quarantining, Geshe-la’s Dharma made its way across the ocean, to the people of Israel!

"What started off as an experiment checking whether there’d be any interest, soon turned into regular weekly sessions with sometimes over a hundred of participants, all throughout the land, studying and meditating together on the genius Dharma of Venerable Geshe-la, in Hebrew!

"Now, a little more than a year later, we’ve formed a Sangha of curious, dedicated practitioners, meeting regularly twice a week! Together we practice all the Lamrim meditations, deepen our faith, and help creating and maintaining a place of refuge where everybody's welcome.

"Right now we’re a branch of the beloved KMC NYC, but we’re creating the causes together to one day have our own center, and, who knows, maybe even host one of the International Fall Festival here in Tel Aviv! We can’t wait to meet you all!"

Meeting twice a week to study Dharma in Hebrew



WhatsApp Image 2021-10-09 at 23.30.56

With the pandemic, leaving NY and its epic Sangha had it challenges, but like a miracle a Sangha was formed here too, miles and miles away, effortlessly. Though seemingly I happen to give the teaching, we are one group helping each other deepening our practice and our faith. Every Monday evening, my living room turns into a temple, filled with sincere practitioners, words of wisdom and blessings, and for that I’m grateful.


From the very beginning I was intrigued by the ideas that were taught, I liked them, and felt I could connect with almost everything. After a while I started actually trying short morning meditations and just contemplating with some of the ideas. It gave me a new perspective on life, and I discovered that I have a choice -  that I can actually choose how to act in "unpleasant" situations, whereas before I thought I thought was beyond my control and I must act in a certain way. I feel the daily benefits of practicing and thinking about these ideas affects my relationships and my whole perception of people and life.



I’ve been seeking a method to be happy - truly from within. Daniel’s explanations of Venerable Geshe-la’s instructions touched me deeply, emotionally and intellectually, and I’m enjoying (though sometimes it was really hard, too) being a part for a group that set a goal of making personal progress, as well as making the world a better place. It’s been helping me so much in tough times and I have big gratitude for being exposed to such knowledge.

WEB- MAIN PICTURE (1920 x 1350 px)

Auspicious beginnings to the year

IKRC Grand Canyon USA

Kadampa International Retreat Centres – Places of Deep Insight


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January at Manjushri KMC