Wisdom & light in Colombia

Last weekend, Gen Kelsang Namdrol, Resident Teacher at KMC Colombia, bestowed the empowerment of Buddha Manjushri, the manifestation of the wisdom of all Buddhas. The participants received teachings on cultivating and increasing their wisdom to achieve inner peace and true happiness.

"Kadampa practitioners in Colombia had the great good fortune to receive special blessings from Wisdom Buddha, Guru Manjushri. For many of us it was the first empowerment in person since the beginning of the pandemic. We felt strong blessings from the empowerment and teachings.

"Our new Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Namdrol, transported us to the Kadampa International Festivals by sharing with us some teachings given by Venerable Geshe-la.

"May everyone have the opportunity to gather at their Kadampa Center very soon and receive so much inspiration!"

Celebrating 5 years of Dharma in Colombia

Earlier this month, KMC Colombia celebrated its fifth year anniversary, with their now traditional annual ceremony of offering 100 lights to the Buddha of Compassion on Candlelight Day. Gen Namdrol gave a short talk on generating a good heart before the Avalokiteshvara puja, during which the candles were lit.

"With this offering we improve our wish to eliminate the suffering of Colombia and of the entire world."

What people said

"For several years I have had the privilege of receiving empowerments, particularly the December empowerments that close the year with an additional Dharma boost.

"During the 2021 event, I was able to deepen my wisdom and advance in my meditations, as well as familiarise myself with the practice of Buddha Manjushri itself.

"This was only possible with the support of the Sangha and the Resident Teacher. It was a wonderful experience that will continue to generate seeds of the realisation of the ultimate wisdom and the great attainment of enlightenment!"

Daniel Torres

"Last weekend, I participated in the blessing empowerment of Buddha Manjushri at KMC Colombia. It was a very significant milestone in my inner spiritual journey.

"Although I've been coming and going since 2017, it was only this year that I made the decision to join Foundation Program. I was encouraged in my decision by the beautiful Sangha at the center, who were, of course, right.

"It is important and very meaningful to join an empowerment, but even more it was a mystical, delicate and inspiring process to discover a little bit more about my inner journey.

"Thanks to the center, my Teacher and the Sangha for allowing me to join!"

Esteban Navarro

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Auspicious beginnings to the year

IKRC Grand Canyon USA

Kadampa International Retreat Centres – Places of Deep Insight


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January at Manjushri KMC