Banner Festival Summer

Day 11 ~ liberation from sorrow

Yesterday, following the sublime empowerment on Saturday, Gen-la Jampa explained how to rely on Arya Tara in practice with a deeply inspiring commentary to the sadhana, Liberation from Sorrow - truly a wishfulfilling practice.

He explained how Arya Tara, our holy mother, helps us to mature spiritually, and especially helps us to change our aspiration. He emphasised how she is always helping us. If right now we are experiencing some temporary liberation from problems or suffering, for example if we are temporarily free from heavy disease, we should ask who is our liberator - it is definitely Tara!

Gen-la told us that there are three important things to do to make our practice of Liberation from Sorrow qualified:

  1. Generate a good motivation
  2. Maintain strong faith while engaging in the practice
  3. Dedicate purely

We can apply these three to all our practices.

festival podcast

Three Methods for successful Meditation

Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
Three Methods for successful Meditation

Developing a Pure Practise

The swift one, the heroine

Gen-la shared some common and uncommon life stories of Arya Tara, which help to increase faith in her and in her actions - and to see her as the Rescuer, the Swift One, the Heroine.

If we recite the praises to her in the morning, they are a powerful method for increasing our lifespan, merit and wisdom.

And if we recite them in the evening, they are particularly powerful for purifying obstacles and hindrances.

Gen-la explained how Tara rescues us from the eight inner and outer fears, and how by praying to Tara we will eventually be released from our worst mental habit - ignorance He encouraged us to repeatedly request Tara:

'Please liberate us from the causes of samsara - the delusions.'

video wall

teaching excerpt

The Kindness of Our Mother


Where does the magic come from?

family album

Tharpa US at KMC New York


international kadampa family online

Share your videos, photos, stories and insights from the teachings and meditations
Send your submissions to [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE: Final submissions should be made no later then Thursday Aug 6

videos from the home front

Elisa, Mexico

etienne, france

hello from kmc Madrid, spain


photo stories

IKRC Grand Canyon, US

rainbow ikrc

We are starting to sense a theme here at the IKRC.

Last week, Amitayus empowerment followed by a rainbow.

Today, Tara empowerment followed by - you guessed it, a rainbow!!!

Rodolfo, Isabel, & Pandita, Chile.


Yes, Tara helps us in such a swift way, that we were able to receive her special blessings today, something we wouldn't have expected 2 days ago!!!

We're joyful, thank you Tara and all your sweet emanations for this opportunity.

And Pandita the dog took the opportunity, too!

Tears of joy, such profound teachings and powerful blessings!

andrea, spain


We received beautiful and profound teachings and empowerment at this online Festival that is continuously touching our hearts.

Thank you Kadampa family! Thank you Geshe-la for your infinite kindness!

Let's take it to the world!

Aurore & Renato, canada

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Today it was Green Tara empowerment, and we were so happy to build the shrine, make offerings, meditate and share this moment together!

selma, us


Through the inconceivable kindness of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, today we had the great good fortune to receive the empowerment of Arya Tara!

I realized that there is nothing more meaningful and joyful in this world than receiving Arya Tara's empowerment with my children.

I am so proud of my son and daughter!

enjoying the online festival in shanghai



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We got together during this beautiful weekend to receive our Holy Mother Arya Tara at our hearts.

Two Brazilian Kadampa families who met up  at the 2015 Summer Festival gathered today in a house close to a lake (to remind us of the Lake District) to receive profound blessings and teachings coming from Geshe-la's heart.

We are delighted to have this incredible opportunity!

Thank you Geshe-la, from the depths of our hearts.

May each and every living being have the opportunity to meet profound Kadam Dharma.

With love

Thomas, Helena, Arthur, Brasil


Loving the empowerment so much. Thank you.

Arya Tara's blessings were truly timely and I am so grateful as yesterday would have been my son's 14th birthday..

It felt auspicious and a pure Kadampa maternal gift from Ayra Tara  to receive such wisdom through  Gen-la Jampa.

Also, knowing that the last empowerment was in 2006 (the year Max was born). His death was one of the reasons I started to learn about Dharma.

I remember first hearing the story of Ksitigotami and the mustard seed and realising the impermanence of life.

I am one among countless others that have experienced grief... such freedom from the depths of pain!

As long as we have faith in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, we can transform most of life's difficulties and try to help others to the best of our ability along the way.

How fortunate!

Love and blessings to all.

Emma, UK

festival shops

The Festival shops are immensely popular.

Support your study, meditation and practice with items from the Festival Shops:

  • Browse a range of 'Festival Bundle' special offers and featured items designed to give you everything you need for the Festival teachings and empowerments.
  • Tharpa books, sadhanas and other items are available for purchase in multiple languages and formats, including downloadable editions.
    Statues and artwork can be purchased, including new items from the Kadampa Art Studio.
  • Ritual items are also available, including vajras and bells, malas, mandala sets, offering bowls and much more.
  • Get the Festival T-shirt, specially designed to mark the occasion of the first year of online Kadampa Festivals.

There are a number of Festival Shops and shipping points located in centres around the world run by Tharpa Publications, each with a different variety of products and shipping options.

All profit from your purchases on is dedicated to public benefit through the International Temple’s Project.

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January at Manjushri KMC

NKT - KMC AUSTRIA - 2025 IMG_1017

Powerful retreats in the snows

NKT - KMC PARIS - 2025 DSC08506

Inspiring Empowerments in France and Malaysia