Protection from all fears and dangers

Buddha Tara, is a female Buddha who rescues all beings from outer and inner fears and dangers. Like a mother she protects us from all internal and external dangers and provides necessary conditions for us to progress along our spiritual path.

At this particularly dangerous time in the world, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche has encouraged everyone to pray to Tara.

Every month on the 8th day there is a worldwide puja for the welfare of the world at which we recite the Tara sadhana entitled Liberation from Sorrow and deeply request the Blessed Mother to bestow her blessings on all living beings so that all sickness and other obstacles are quickly removed. Everyone is welcome to join in.

Session times are: 02:00, 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00 and 22:00, UK time. Join as many sessions as you wish.

To learn more and join, visit the puja web page.

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Public talks in the North and South of Spain


Inspiring events in Argentina and Brazil

NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2025 Lamrim retreat (3-9 January 2025)_KMC Spain_8

One month of Deep Meditation experience


Beautiful retreats in beautiful places