Profundity & clarity in Argentina

150 people from Buenos Aires, Cordoba, La Plata and Uruguay gathered this weekend at  KMC Argentina for the Argentina National Festival with Guen-la Kelsang Jampa, the Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU.

"Guen-la granted the empowerment of the Great Mother Prajnaparamita and gave a very inspiring commentary to the practice.

"He helped us understand that to achieve the real happiness we so desperately seek we need to attain the inner, everlasting peace of enlightenment - and for this we need to overcome inner and outer obstacles.

"At the end, everyone left full of joy and blessings - it was as if we had spent the weekend in a real Pure Land."

Follow-up retreat
Saturday 16 there will be a follow-up a retreat called Profundity and Clarity, a guide to the Heart Sutra with Guen Kelsang Rinchung the National Spiritual Director.

Everybody welcome!

The practice of the Great Mother is a powerful method to avert and overcome all our hindrances and obstacles, both to worldly happiness and to the attainment of liberation . . . . The only non-deceptive attainment is the supreme permanent peace of mind through which we experience pure happiness throughout our life and in life after life. This attainment is called ‘nirvana’.

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