why i am going to the spring festival

We can’t wait to travel to the International Spring Festival because it is such a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a spiritual family holiday!
Kiestin and Noam from Dresden, Germany

'We can’t wait to travel to the International Spring Festival because it is such a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a spiritual family holiday!'
Kristin & Noam, Dresden, Germany


'I am going to the Spring Festival because I am aware that if I do not purify my mind I will not be able to free myself from suffering and at this Festival I will receive a special power and inspiration to achieve this.'
Olga, Málaga Spain


'I love going to the Kadampa festivals to meet lots of friends, discover new ones and share unique teachings with them. All this in such a cheerful and caring atmosphere. We have to go!!!!!'
Alain, Paris, France


'I will seize every opportunity I can to attend a Festival because I may not always have the chance!'
Fei, Hong Kong

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'Every time I go to MKMC I feel home. The Festival is not just the amazing teachings, also enjoying coffe with friends, nice walks to the beach, volunteering,... I wish everyone can enjoy this beautiful experience.'
Maria Luisa Pascual, Madrid, Spain


'By attending the festival, I hope to be calmer and happier.'
Hazel, Cape Town, South Africa


'I love going to Kadampa Buddhist Festivals as I can spend my holiday in a joyful, peaceful and meaningful way, going back home recharged with renewed and positive energy.'
Jesús, Mexico


'I've been very inspired by the teachings on Karma and Vajrasattva that I've already received and I wanted to deepen my understanding & practice, so when the opportunity to immerse myself in Vajrasattva practice at a festival came up I knew I couldn't miss it! '
Bec, Brisbane, Australia


‘So looking forward to gathering with our Kadampa family, and together, creating powerful causes for Kadam Dharma to flourish throughout our world. It’s never too far to come to receive precious teachings and gather with our Kadampa family.’
Ani, Perth, Australia


'I am going to the Festival because I need to recharge my batteries.'
Mariko, Tokyo, Japan


'I am going because for me it is like going to pure land to receive Buddha's teachings directly.'
Claudia, Buenos Aires, Argentina


'I am going because it is an excellent opportunity to purify and progress on my spiritual path.'
Marisol Cortés, Viña del Mar, Chile


'I'm going to the Spring Festival because I need to purify all my negative karma and I love meeting people with the same in mind.'
Pamela, Edinburgh


'This is my 6th or 7th visit to Manjushri Center - and I keep going back to the beautiful Lake District of England because International Festivals are so inspiring and beneficial, not to mention FUN!'
Elizabeth, Sarasota, USA


'I’m looking forward to going to the home of Kadampa Buddhism for the first time, which for me has explained all the Buddhist teachings I grew up with. When I was young I would visit temples with my grandma, we would feed the monks and nuns on a trishaw with a tiffin carrier!'
Andrea, Monbulk, Australia

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'I am really happy to be going to the Spring Festival! I am delighted to finally receive Vajrasattva's blessings and teachings, a practice that I particularly love. It will be my first time in Manjushri. Many people have told me how incredible this place is. I am looking forward to experiencing the energy of such a special place, where everything started for our beautiful tradition.'
Ana Filipa Rodrigues, KMC Deuachen, Portugal


'I will go to Spring Festival to receive profound teachings that help me to grow internally, to be of service to an international community and meet my kadampa friends. It is such a wonderful experience, everybody welcome !'
Claire, Paris,France


'I am going to the Festival to keep the international Kadampa family united and to fulfil our ultimate purpose of benefiting others".'
Montse, Barcelone, Spain

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'I like to go to International Festivals every year because Ven Geshe-la told us it is the best way to flourish Kadam Dharma and each time I attend I feel my Dharma experience deepens.'
Winson, Singapore


'How can I not go with what I have to purify?'
Cristina, Málaga, Spain


'Festivals are deeply enriching to my spiritual life, so any opportunity I have to attend an International Festival feels very precious.'
Dechok, Chicago, USA


'An international festival is a meaningful vacation. Taking time for spiritual practice and enjoying Sangha from all over the world. Making the trip from Florida to Ulverston, so fortunate.'
Sandy, Florida, USA


'I’m going to my spiritual home, Manjushri Center, Spring Festival, for a spiritual vacation, to deepen familiarity with Vajrasattva purification practice, and to share my experiences at IKRC Grand Canyon with all my Sangha friends.'
James, Williams Arizona


'I am working on Vajrasattva preliminary counting of 100,000 Vajrasattva mantras and it’s changing my mind and consequently my life on a day to day basis. I am going because I want to further deepen and super charge my daily purification practice to quickly find release from samsara and I’m empowered to benefit my family, colleagues and friends and eventually all sentient beings.'
Yogi, New York City, USA

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'I’m excited to attend my first Spring Festival and receive teachings on purification.'
Andrea, Seattle, USA

maria london

'I’m going to Spring Festival to connect with our international sangha. I find it so encouraging to meet people from around the world who are working to spread Dharma in their local city or town and I start to really feel and believe that samsara can cease and all living beings can find pure happiness.'
Maria, London, UK


'I am going to Spring Festival with such a happy heart! It will be my first time in Manjushri, certainly very precious with the blessings of Geshe-la and Vajrasattva!'
Marília, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

NKT - KMC PARIS - 2025 DSC08506

Inspiring Empowerments in France and Malaysia

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NKT-KMC Chile, Talca April-crop(11)

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