Urban retreats at local centers around the world – Oases of peace
Jan 28, 2025
A hundred-year snow fell and blanketed the site. Though it slowed construction work for a while, it reminded us of what a special place IKRC Grand Canyon is for retreat
When the snow falls, silence falls and everything outside becomes peaceful. When the Temple is completed and the retreat center is thriving thousands and thousands of people will find deep inner peace in this special place
Temple progress
Despite the snow, great progress has been made by the construction teams who have been busy completing:
Art update
Meanwhile, here is the latest update from the Art Studio:
'The big snow could not keep the artists away from the studio. The large Dharma Wheel is nearly completed by 5 dedicated volunteers.
'Returning volunteers gilded another deer and the auspicious symbols look stunning. Pieces of the lantern await gilding as do 5 remaining vajras.
'Visitors from as far away as France are here to help. And more volunteers from the US, Mexico and Brazil are headed our way to help complete the gilding by the end of May.
'We’re busy, but very happy!'
Gen-la returns
After many weeks away Gen-la Jampa returned to IKRC. He wasted no time in meeting with and encouraging the community, giving public talks, greeting local people at the open house and giving sublime teachings to both visitors and residents.
A powerful reminder of Venerable Geshe-la’s purpose in establishing this very special place.
Thank you Geshe-la.