News roundup March 10, 2019

A chance to catch up on some of the other news stories from recent days



As part of the KMC Texas 25-year anniversary celebrations, Gen-la Khyenrab visited the center to give a public talk and a special weekend course. 190 people took part in the event.

At the public talk, entitled Choose Kindness, Gen-la explained how to develop a kind heart, which will  free us from negative emotions and make our life joyful and truly meaningful. Because we are all interconnected we should choose kindness in our daily life.

During the weekend course, Creating Good Fortune: Six Simple Steps for a Happy and Meaningful Life, Gen-la explained how everyone has the potential to achieve great happiness and good fortune, and how we can begin to achieve this by learning six simple but meaningful steps called the six perfections and integrating them in our life.

In this way we joyfully and easily increase our positive karma or good fortune, experience greater happiness in our relationships, become a source of benefit for others, and discover a real peace within.


After an Amitayus long life retreat at KMC Australia's temple in the Dandenong Ranges, 130 people gathered in KMC Melbourne's city temple to receive the blessing empowerment of White Tara and a commentary to the practice from the Resident Teacher Gen Dornying.

Every Tuesday lunchtime, Gen Dornying also gives a free 30-minute meditation class in Federation Square, Melbourne's main city gathering place. It is frequented by many regulars and lots of passers-by who see the crowd and decide to stop and join in.

KMC Monterrey

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of KMC Monterrey in Mexico, Guen Kelsang Sangden the National Spiritual Director of Mexico, was invited to visit the center. Guen Sangden gave a public talk attended by 250 people and the following day granted the Bodhisattva Vow at a special ceremony.

In her talk, Guen Sangden emphasized the power our mind has to create our world, and she encourage everyone to learn the methods to control and purify the mind. The atmosphere was so inspiring that one attender said, 'I learnt that by purifying my mind I can live in the Monterrey I want.'


To celebrate the installation of the 35 Confession Buddhas on the temple walls, Gen Kelsang Rabten the Resident Teacher taught a special weekend course on how to purify our negative karma through the practice of the Bodhisattva’s Confession of Moral Downfalls.

KMC Tokyo

The statues  of Je Tsongkhapa and his Sons finally arrived in Tokyo from the Kadampa Art Studio in the UK and were installed in the shrine.

One of the members of the center remarked, 'What a difference it makes to have these precious statues here. They are already making their presence felt!'

WEB- MAIN PICTURE (1920 x 1350 px)

Auspicious beginnings to the year

IKRC Grand Canyon USA

Kadampa International Retreat Centres – Places of Deep Insight


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January at Manjushri KMC