08 February 2019


In this feature we share an update we received from KMC Peru in Lima.

‘We are very happy to share with you our latest news about how Kadam Dharma is flourishing in Peru, and how wonderful it is to see so many people interested in cultivating inner peace in our country.

KMC Peru was established in September 2018, and Guen Kelsang Namdrol was appointed Resident Teacher. The center is based in Lima, the capital and largest city of Peru, with a population of over 9.5 million.

For the last five months we have been setting up General Program classes in key districts of Lima - those that have the largest population as well as the commercial and financial districts.

Here we share pictures of the branches around the city where we been giving meditation classes.

Also this month, February, we started the Foundation Program, which is studying the book How to understand the Mind by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

To find out more about Centro de Meditación Kadampa Perú visit our website.'

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