Kadampa International Retreat Centres – Places of Deep Insight
Jan 17, 2025
As the January retreat month draws to a close we turn our thoughts to all those whose kindness made the retreats possible.
Tharpa Publications UK has just published printed editions of the Burning Offering practices of Vajrayogini and Heruka Body Mandala, which will be available on their website in the coming days.
25 years ago, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche took up residence in Dallas area where he remained for almost three years.
Last week, Kadampas gathered in the beautiful harbor city of Wellington for the second New Zealand National Festival with Gen-la Jampa
This weekend saw the opening of KMC Tokyo and the establishing of a firm foundation for Kadam Dharma in Japan.
Yesterday, January 25, was Heruka Day, on which we celebrated the principal Deity of Modern Kadampa Buddhism.
Today is Heruka Day. We mark this occasion with an update on the construction of the new Temple for World Peace at IKRC Grand Canyon in Arizona.
All this month around 50 people have been enjoying a wonderful Tantric retreat at IKRC Grand Canyon in Arizona with Kadam Morten.
The fortunate ones attending the second two weeks of the January retreat at Manjushri KMC are enjoying extraordinary teachings and guidance from Gen-la Dekyong.
This month at Kailash IRC in Switzerland 50 fortunate people are engaged in retreat on Venerable Vajrayogini.