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31 January 2019


As the January retreat month draws to a close we turn our thoughts to all those whose kindness made the retreats possible.

The supreme source of all the benefit we have received this month is Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Through his unimaginable kindness we have centers in which to do retreat, blessed Temples and meditation halls for our retreat environment, precious Dharma books and sadhanas to practice with, qualified Teachers to guide us, lay and ordained Sangha to inspire and assist us and above all the instructions, transmission and empowerments of all the essential practices.

From the depths of our hearts we thank you Venerable Geshe-la. From our experience in retreat we understand directly the meaning of your precious words, 'i will always be with you; I will always help you.’

At this time we remember also the great kindness of all those who worked in different ways to make the retreats practically possible, and who selflessly helped and supported the retreaters throughout the month.

As we can see from these wonderful photos, your work was joyful and done with a good heart.

Thank you.

NKT-IKBU - New Kadampa - Canada - KMC Ottawa IMG_4537

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