Urban retreats at local centers around the world – Oases of peace
Jan 28, 2025
As we have seen in previous posts, Kadam Dharma is touching the hearts of many people in South Africa through the work of the Kadampa centers in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg. In a recent post on Tushita KMC in Cape Town, Gen Kelsang Pagpa the Resident Teacher and National Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU in South Africa says, ‘We see the temple as a beacon of hope shining the benevolent rays of Kadam Dharma from the tip of Africa throughout the whole continent and world.’
Last weekend the radiant light of Kadam Dharma shone brightly on Durban, where Gen Pagpa granted the empowerment of Wisdom Buddha Manjushri and an explanation of the practice at the South African Dharma Celebration.
The Dharma Celebration in their own words
‘The South African Dharma Celebration was a special event with Kadampa friends reuniting as a Sangha family in Durban.
‘Gen Pagpa gave an inspiring introduction encouraging us to see ourselves as trainees in virtue and developing the beautiful inner qualities of faith, patient acceptance, contentment, sense of shame and consideration for others.
‘During the empowerment we were introduced to the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri and immediately felt the peace of his name, ‘Peaceful Glorious one’.
Our ultimate nature and Manjushri’s ultimate nature are the same
‘Then Gen Pagpa guided us through the sublime practice of Treasury of Wisdom incorporating Venerable Geshe Kelsang Rinpoche’s explanation in Tantric Grounds and Paths on recognizing our ultimate nature and Manjushri’s ultimate nature as the same. By imputing our I on this basis and developing great, clear and quick wisdom, through reciting his mantra, and understanding that we don’t have much time left in this life to develop wisdom, Gen Pagpa inspired us to practice quick wisdom during our daily activities. He explained how the meaning of the mantra is requesting the attainments of the five Mahayana paths.’
‘Everyone felt the uplifting peace of wisdom and the experience of being united by this common wish to cause our self-grasping to cease. We understood that this is the real reason for Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche appearing in our lives – to help everyone find the real meaning of their human life.’
Kadampa centers in South Africa
Tushita KMC Cape Town: https://meditateincapetown.org
Durban KMC: https://www.meditateindurban.org
Vajrapani KBC Johannesburg: https://www.meditation.org.za