A Temple built from kindness

a temple built from kindness Just a few weeks now until the precious Temple at IKRC Grand Canyon is officially opened and the 2019 Fall Festival begins. As the construction of the Temple enters its completion stage and the center and grounds are being prepared for the Festival, we are reminded of the great kindness … Read more

Acknowledging our own anger

Gen-la Kunsang is attending the Intensive Teacher Training Program at Manjushri KMC and was invited to give a GP class in the Temple. Please enjoy this brief excerpt.

News roundup, July 7, 2019

A chance to catch up on some of the other news stories from recent days: GRAND CANYON | ULVERSTON | HONG KONG | KAILASH | TAIWAN | SOUTHAMPTON | GLASGOW

What are the teachers studying?

During the three weeks of the 2019 Intensive Teacher Training Programme at Manjushri KMC, the Teachers are studying Modern Buddhism by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Featured center, July 2019

Tharpaland KMC is a major Buddhist center located just outside Berlin that offers courses in meditation and modern Kadampa Buddhism at local, national, and international levels

Compassion & emptiness

This past weekend the KMC NYC Sangha enjoyed their annual country retreat at the World Peace Temple in Glen Spey with teachings from Kadam Morten on emptiness.

Intensive training for Kadampa Teachers

Last evening almost 200 Resident Teachers from Kadampa centers around the world entered the Temple for the first session of the annual Intensive Teacher Training Program with Gen-la Khyenrab.

Teaching (& studying) across the globe

Last night Gen Rabten was in the English midlands giving a public talk for Tara KMC – part of a long and meaningful journey across the globe . . .

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Working in harmony for the International Fall Festival

Geshe-la Praying in Portugal 2013 resize-web

Register for Prayers for World Peace

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Practical and Blessed Events in UK and Asia

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Events for the creation of a perceptible inner peace