Summer Post Summer Festival retreat @ KMC Barcelona

Summer Festival Retreat 2019 has now ended and many people have traveled to the various centers around the world holding Post Festival Retreats. See photos of the retreat at KMC Barcelona.

The stream of kindness continues to flow

As Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche says, ‘Wherever we look, we find only the kindness of others.’ This week, we see this stream of human kindness flowing before our very eyes as an army of unsung heroes removes the last physical traces of the 2019 Summer Festival.

A blessed day

The Intensive Teacher Training Program at Manjushri KMC has now finished and today the Ordination Ceremony was held. Enjoy the video and photo gallery

This is magical

‘If we sincerely rely on Je Tsongkhapa and put his oral instructions into practice with strong faith, we will attain enlightenment very quickly.

‘The great practitioner Gyalwa Ensapa and many of his followers attained enlightenment within three years through sincerely practising the oral instructions of Je Tsongkhapa. This is magical!’

Temple Watch 19

Watch the latest developments at the Arizona Temple as the new Temple is being completed and the whole site made ready for the 2019 Fall Festival

Living in the Mind of Prayer

What is prayer? Why do we need to pray? Who do we pray to? How do we pray? How to increase the power of our prayer? These are questions addressed by Gen Tonglam at a special day course in Hong Kong.

Progressing joyfully towards the Pure Land

The first week of the Summer Retreat in Kailash IRC was filled with inspiring teachings and guidance on the precious teachings of Kadam Lamrim with Gen Kelsang Devi

Teachers working and relaxing

The Intensive Teacher Training Program is well-named because the study schedule is indeed intensive, but in between sessions the Teachers are also contributing in many ways to the running of the center and preparations for the Festival through community work.

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Working in harmony for the International Fall Festival

Geshe-la Praying in Portugal 2013 resize-web

Register for Prayers for World Peace

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Practical and Blessed Events in UK and Asia

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Events for the creation of a perceptible inner peace