The mirror of Dharma and the face of Buddha

The post Festival retreat at KMC Florida was given by Kadam Bridget Heyes and was followed by a workshop on drawing the face of Buddha given by Kadam Chris Heyes

Taking the teachings to heart in Tuscon

After the Fall Festival, hundreds of people dispersed to Kadampa centers around the world to take part in post-festival retreats led by Senior Teachers. Reports from the retreats are starting to come in – today KMC Arizona in Tuscon.

Your Kindness Builds Temples

Supporting the work of the International Temples Project in building Temples for World Peace and Urban Temples throughout the world

Buddha Shakyamuni


September 22 marks the celebration of Buddha’s return from heaven, when we celebrate Buddha’s return from the desire god realm called Land of the Thirty-three Heavens, so-called because it has thirty-three different types of god.

The joy of working at the Kadampa Art Studio

Over the last year or more, we have watched as many extraordinarily beautiful statues and art forms have been produced for the new Temple in Arizona

A very beautiful spiritual activity

Last week the community at IKRC prepared and filled all the statues to install in the shrine of the new Temple


Over 80 people attended a special day course with Gen Tonglam at KMC Hong Kong learning how to find inner peace in the midst of conflicts and problems.

Another precious jewel in the mandala

Thursday, August 29 was a very blessed day at KMC Albacete when a fortunate group of people from many Spanish Kadampa centers gathered for the opening of the new city Temple.

Teachings that cannot be separated from daily life

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche says, ‘Kadam Dharma accords with people’s daily experience; it cannot be separated from daily life.’ Watch this video to understand how true this is.

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Practical and Blessed Events in UK and Asia

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Events for the creation of a perceptible inner peace

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Visiting Teachers in Spain, Canada and Mexico

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Retreating from the busyness of our life